3 Surprising Benefits

Branding • February 7, 2022

What you know:

A brand session with a professional photographer creates beautiful images.  These images communicate your business story in a professional way, helping you build know, love and trust with your ideal clients.

What you may NOT know… is that beyond a fresh headshot, you just may uncover some hidden benefits

1.  Surprising Support

Putting yourself out there (especially visually), can be – well – unnatural or intimidating for most of us.  So when you take this step for your business, I think many of my clients are surprised by the way others rally around them.  Friends, connections and even your ideal clients recognize that you are investing in yourself and you are going places.

They want to SEE who is behind the business and will get excited for you, get invested and may inquire what is next for you.  When you put new images out into the world, you won’t be the only one who loves them.  Those who have been on similar journeys will show surprising support, and you may just inspire others to step into their power.

2.  Confidence Boost

In life, when we push through an obstacle or tackle a special project, there are benefits in personal self achievement beyond the actual results gained.  In the case of a personal branding photoshoot, something powerful happens when you stand in front of your business in a visual way. 

During a session, I see the progression… relaxation, enjoyment, and then confidence.  A lot of this happens naturally as they trust my guidance and posing and see the results come to life (back of the camera peeks are the best!)

But it’s not just a physical transformation.  An internal flame of confidence is sparked when you proclaim through photography:

“This is who I am and this is what I’m all about.”

3.  New Plan

A brand session with me includes some preparation.  During the pre-session consultation we walk through elements such as your brand essence, colors, and what details or props you may want to include.  Another item in the brand session planning guide is listing for me the top 3 goals you have for your business in the coming year.  Are you launching a new website?  Creating a course?  Perhaps you want to focus on elevating your social media presence or start getting booked as a speaker. 

When you share your goals with me we can get visuals to support you.  It also breaths new life into those goals that are sometimes only in our hearts and not yet spoken, written, or on the vision board. 

Where focus goes, energy flows, and you may be surprised by the catalytic role a photography session can have for taking your brand to the next level.

My photography is about getting at the inner light of you, stepping into your power and raising your voice.  I believe we get out of something what we put into it – and I love helping my clients get all the obvious (and surprising) benefits from a photoshoot.  Having strong branding and stunning images to help you connect with your ideal clients is where I come in.  

I’d be honored if you choose to walk this road with me.

I get it.  There is nothing natural about stepping in front of the camera.  Grab some inspiration in this guide!
  • My 10 best poses and how to set them up
  • Confidence boosting tips to make you feel relaxed
  • My favorite prompts for natural expressions

how to pose your body
+ 10 photos every business needs

Posing Help