Social Media – What to Post

Branding, Podcast, Social Media • February 8, 2022

What to post on social media is something a lot of my clients wrestle with.  As a business owner, I’ve had to put focus there myself.  So when The KNOW Women invited me to co-host their High Achieving Female Podcast, it was a topic I was really excited to speak about.

How to Develop Your Voice on Social Media?


Why is this such an integral piece of running your business?

Before we dive in, consider your attitude around social media.  Does the thought of planning your social media content make you nervous, or even angry?

If you feel discouraged with your efforts,

or wonder if it is even “worth the trouble” of posting, I hope to offer some positive guidance.

We know that people buy from those they know, love and trust.  Social media is NOT about pushing your products or services, it’s a platform, when used optimally, to showcase your brand in it’s highest light.  We can do things on social media we can’t do on our websites – real time updates and engagements that keep us front of mind.  We can accomplish things on a much larger scale.  What a wonderful (and free) opportunity!

Listen on Apple Podcast

If I could give one piece of advice on how to develop a strong voice on social media it is to…

Define your Brand Essence

These are three words, or adjectives, that describe your business.  As a brand photographer, I go through this exercise with each of my clients because it helps give them clarity and set the tone of how they want to show up in the world.  These brand essence words shape all your messaging, keeping you consistent and recognizable.

For example, the brand essence words for Katie Soyka Photography are “positive, uplifting and beautiful.”  This is how I want people to experience working with me, and that colors all of the content I put out into my marketing channels.  INCLUDING social media.

Need inspiration?  Here are some brand essence words my clients have used:

transformative, encouraging, holistic

classic, simple, authentic

fun, intelligent, approachable

I encourage you to take some time to develop your 3 brand essence words.  This will help you during the next step as we talk through content creation, to be covered next in Part 2.

My photography is about getting at the inner light of you, stepping into your power and raising your voice.  Whether you’re new to putting a focus on social media, or could just use some fresh energy, I hope I’ve gotten you excited about the possibilities for your business. 

The more confidence you have as you plan your social media, the more your efforts are going to move your business forward (and not be just one more thing you need to do).

Thank you for walking this road with me!

I get it.  There is nothing natural about stepping in front of the camera.  Grab some inspiration in this guide!
  • My 10 best poses and how to set them up
  • Confidence boosting tips to make you feel relaxed
  • My favorite prompts for natural expressions

how to pose your body
+ 10 photos every business needs

Posing Help