Featured Post

4 Pitfalls to Avoid You know you need updated professional photos. You research. You ask around. You clear your calendar and you book a brand photoshoot. HOORAY! You’re excited- you’re thrilled. And then a little pit of dread arises in your tummy… as you realize you have no idea what to wear. My biggest advice? […]

Featured Post

As a professional photographer, I’ve had years of families with kids of all ages in front of my camera, and I know how important it is to capture our growing families in a timeless and meaningful way. I’m also a mom And though I’ve niched down to brand photography, I know many of my personal […]

Featured Post

“How should I stand?” “Where do I put my hands?” “Do I look OK?” In my years as a brand photographer, I’ve learned a thing or two. And I’ve boiled them down into 5 easy rules. Which you can then interpret into hundreds of actual (flattering) poses- including how to sit, how to stand, and […]

4 Pitfalls to Avoid You know you need updated professional photos. You research. You ask around. You clear your calendar and you book a brand photoshoot. HOORAY! You’re excited- you’re thrilled. And then a little pit of dread arises in your tummy… as you realize you have no idea what to wear. My biggest advice? […]

May 24, 2024

“How should I stand?” “Where do I put my hands?” “Do I look OK?” In my years as a brand photographer, I’ve learned a thing or two. And I’ve boiled them down into 5 easy rules. Which you can then interpret into hundreds of actual (flattering) poses- including how to sit, how to stand, and […]

October 19, 2023

Allow me to share a quick story with you… One day, the client featured in this blog post, Beth, had coffee with her friend (who happened to be a past client of mine). When Beth saw her friend’s brand photos, she called me THAT DAY, saying “When I saw the photos, I knew they were […]

April 18, 2023

As a brand photographer, I absolutely love talking about branding; how to create a personal brand, and how to elevate that brand. But without getting ahead of ourselves, let’s back up in order to explore the difference between your brand and your business. Where do they overlap? Where do they differ? (And why should we […]

February 28, 2023

It’s the first window into your professional presence, and it’s important. Call it what you like: Corporate headshot, classic portrait, or, as I refer to them in my own marketing, “lifestyle headshots,” it is the image that introduces you to your potential clients, connects you to your business, and lives online to represent you where […]

February 9, 2023

Brand photography is an investment of your time and money. Therefore, you want to ensure a return on your investment by creating impactful images that convert, and that you can use over and over again to maximize your marketing impact. If You Build It, They Will Come This quote from “Field of Dreams” perfectly describes […]

December 8, 2022

Have you ever heard somebody say… “I have all the business I can handle. So at least I don’t need to worry about marketing.” If this is you – first of all, congratulations! That is truly great that you have a steady stream of clients coming through your virtual or physical doors. You must be […]

October 19, 2022

I believe in the power of 3’s. I had two big goals for 2022 on my vision board, but they were in the vein of taking care of my clients. I knew I needed ONE more, and it had to be for me. Owning your own business is definitely a labor of love, and being […]

July 29, 2022

One of my clients said it best when she told me… “Branding is one of those words I cannot wrap my brain around. I know what it is but don’t know how to implement.” To me, branding is more than your logo or the colors you use in your business. It encompasses each and every […]

May 6, 2022

Personal Brand Photography allows me to highlight my clients as the experts they are.  Allow me to spotlight… Renee Kasper of First Weber Realtors Capturing her brand was my pleasure – and a couple of years in the making. I met Renee through mutual friends a few years ago. She has such a positive spirit, […]

March 10, 2022