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4 Pitfalls to Avoid You know you need updated professional photos. You research. You ask around. You clear your calendar and you book a brand photoshoot. HOORAY! You’re excited- you’re thrilled. And then a little pit of dread arises in your tummy… as you realize you have no idea what to wear. My biggest advice? […]

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As a professional photographer, I’ve had years of families with kids of all ages in front of my camera, and I know how important it is to capture our growing families in a timeless and meaningful way. I’m also a mom And though I’ve niched down to brand photography, I know many of my personal […]

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“How should I stand?” “Where do I put my hands?” “Do I look OK?” In my years as a brand photographer, I’ve learned a thing or two. And I’ve boiled them down into 5 easy rules. Which you can then interpret into hundreds of actual (flattering) poses- including how to sit, how to stand, and […]

Special Guest Blog by Andrea Gracyalny Nobody wants your total satisfaction and joy over your finished look more than your makeup artist! Whether you are preparing to walk down the aisle or you are preparing for a personal-branding session, there are a few key elements that you can do to elevate the end result. 1. Communicate well. […]

January 26, 2022